Imagine that you are in line to order, everything that you could possibly want is on the menu. You think of all of the things that sound good, you think about how you will feel once you have what you want and as you stand there smiling at the man behind the counter, he waits patiently for you to make a decision. He is very calm, he doesn't rush you, force you or even give any hint that he is annoyed by your indecision. He just waits.

It's not hard to recognize here that unless you place your order and say what it is that you want, you will either keep standing there or possibly be pushed out of the way by someone else who is clear about what they want and ready to order.
Now this is a simple analogy however this is also the truth about what we say we want in our lives. If you are waiting for your order to come up and you have not successfully communicated what it is that you want, you will most likely continue to wait.
And, not have what it is that you say you want.
Get your order together
Let us help you put your life vision list together, stop waiting and standing in your own way.
Think of the My Agreements with Me for Believers workbook as the friendly server who makes the best suggestions about the choices and options you have. There are 52 Lessons available to you to help you and there is growth, clarity, a path and support here for you to utilize.